HERY ALLPAIR119 面霜全效修復貴婦晚霜抗氧補水抗皺美白 50G
Ships in about 5-7 days
聯手專家團隊 最高研發成果
創立於日本昭和時代的 NOEVIR(諾薇雅)是日本五大美妝品牌之一。創始人大倉昊先生生把德國百年的植物萃取技術率先帶到亞洲並成立了諾薇雅品牌。 NOEVIR專家團隊首次將5億年前的原生生物[綠蟲藻]引入全領域生物活性理論,並配合獲得國際化妝品協會金獎及紐約原料金獎的 passionline等多種新銳成分,為HERY量身打造首款全能型修復晚霜。伴隨著療癒的佛手柑氣息,讓你在每一個深睡之後的清晨都會發現不一樣改變。
日系溫和使用感 歐系強勁時效力
1. AQ智能因子
晚上10點至凌晨6點是皮膚自我修復最重要的時間。在這一期間肌膚分別會進入休眠期,新陳代謝期,分裂修復期,油脂旺盛期直到清晨從新回歸到白天的防禦戰斗狀態。 ALLPA|R119富含的國際金獎成成分 QUATIDE智能修復因子會根據肌膚處在的不同時間狀態,啟動皮膚纖維芽分裂機制,在肌膚完全甦醒之前持續不斷的修復肌膚白天受到的損害,充分補充營養,排除毒素
2. 活性抗糖 再造凍齡神話
Aquatide TM
作為首個獲得[2016世界化妝品原料金獎的亞洲原料 AQUAT|DE是肽聚醣的一種,它可以將細胞多餘的糖化垃圾進行吞噬化,進而長久的保持肌膚膠原蛋白不受糖分
3. 金牌抗氧 業界巔峰之舉
Passioline是百香果種子通過最新冷壓分子蒸餾技術提取的細胞喚活因子,在抗氧的同時釋可放自由基。抗氧效果高於超級維生素E(蝦青素)的50倍,獲得 In Cosmeti Globa2017(化妝原料界的奧斯卡獎)金獎。將逐步取代黃酮類和多酚類抗氧化物, 成為未來抗氧抗衰老化妝品的主力成分
4. 淡斑美白 煥然如曦光彩
歐百里香萃取精華Cinderella care
Cinderella care(灰姑娘美白成分)是[世界原料展n- cosmetics as|A2014]中最新發表的革新性美白化妝品原料,獲得「 nnovation Zone」部門大獎。對於抑制色素生成有著驚人的效果,可以明顯降低黑色素沉積,減少黑色素細胞移動。
沖繩褐藻Cladosiphon okamuranus
5. 鎖水保濕 四季豐盈滋潤
泰國艷山薑 Alpinia zerumbet
6. 消炎抗痘 營造無菌膚質
盾葉薯蕷根Curcuma longa
甘草酸硬脂酯Stearyl glycyrrhetinate
7. 清新療愈 鎮定解壓安眠
意大利佛手柑 Bergamot
以宇宙本源黑和科技銀色兩種顏色為主色調,象徵著浩瀚宇宙包裹下的銀河給人以探索生命本源之美的意象。獨特的鑽石切角設計瓶蓋象徵著女王般不可取代的地位,與銀黑漸變的容器渾然一體,惘然宇宙深處綻放的花朵。獲得日本包裝設計協會大獎的上六印刷株式會社聯手 NOEVR創新概念性設計首次實現商品化包裝
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
Secure Payment
Your transaction data will be handled securely.We do not record and cannot obtain your credit card information.
We accept the following payment methods:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, etc.
Secure Payment
Your transaction data will be handled securely.We do not record and cannot obtain your credit card information.
We accept the following payment methods:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, etc.