日本MELSMON 美思滿 胎盤素 2mlx50支
Guarantee the source of the product, the shipment from Japan is expected to arrive in 2-3 working days
美思滿細胞再生活化精華素立即被日本衛生部的專家鑑定為安全配方,並授予生產製造以及在市場推廣應用的證書。接著下來美思滿藥廠便在1956年正式成立。美思滿藥廠不斷注資引進高科技及精密醫藥儀器,積極發展醫藥生產業務。 1983年,亦即是設廠27年後,美思滿藥廠開啟新的里程碑,提出更新先進的配方,再次呈交日本衛生部檢驗批准。
經過一連串嚴密及先進的驗證方法,新配方被證實更有效,並且更安全及穩定。日本衛生部在1983年5月21日再授予產品合格證書給美思滿藥廠。以新配方技術生產產品。美思滿藥廠更精益求精,終於在1999年9月榮獲日本醫藥安全管理局 頒發優良生產流程證書(GMP),肯定美思滿藥廠的生產流程,已達至世界衛生組織設定的標準。目前美思滿產品已成為世界級美容聖品。
✓ 獲得日本厚生省批核承認番號(東藥)第11386號
✓ 獲得日本醫藥安全管理局頒發優良生產流程證書(GMP)
✓ 獲得日本衛生部授予產品合格證書
✓ 產品使用高生物科技提取能保留胎盤中最珍貴元素
✓ 產品使用超過四十年,從無副作用的記錄
✓ 產品在日本供應給很多醫藥為病人作治療及保健之用
✓ 產品通過無菌,無毒性試驗
✓ 服用藥物或其他營養品可同時使用本產品
**享譽半世紀的日本胎盤療法!! 一直廣受各界名媛, 名星追捧!!
***美思滿胎盤素在日本國内一般市面沒有出售, 必需從日本註冊醫院處方訂貨。
市面上很多仿冒貨品,美思滿只有生產白色盒裝, 盒底生產編號及有效日期是 貼上去的,絕非直接印刷在盒上
1956 年
- 日本厚生省批核承認番號 (東藥) 第 11386 號
- 日本衛生部授予醫藥品販賣業許可證,世界生產人胎素最久之生產商,也是被全球醫療界認可的胎盤製造商之一,列為日本醫療保險項目之一( 各種老化的治療、更年期障礙、及乳汁分泌不全 )
-1999 年 9 月日本醫藥安全管理局頒發優良生產流程 (G M P) 證書
-新加坡 ( H S A ) 化驗測試 ( 不含荷爾蒙及有毒物質 )
-香港生產力促進局 H K P C 的安全化驗測試 ( 不含重金屬 )
產品使用將近 60 年, 全球從未發生副作用
近代科學家研究發現:「人胎盤」中富含 8000 多種人類原始的生命物質。
這些生命物質具有活性和強烈的生長性,可有效延緩細 胞衰老,使人體整個生理系統從根本上徹底恢複到年輕的健康水平。
**有效去除色班暗啞, 修複皮膚細胞組織,消除幼紋, 令肌膚回復彈性嬌嫩。 看上去比同年齡人年輕至少10年!!
✓ 美白效果
✓ 保濕效果
✓ 抗炎作用
✓ 抗過敏作用(先天或後天的各種皮膚活化免疫作用)
✓ 促進組織代謝作用
✓ 細胞增殖,膠原再生作用
✓ 取出活性氧作用
✓ 對抗自由基
✓ 將整型手術後的效果放大以及延長
✓ 治療掉髮,雄性禿髮
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
Shipping & Returns
We are committed to delivering our products to everyone in the world. Our services cover most countries in the world and are dedicated to meeting various transportation needs.
Logistics and Distribution
Shipping from our warehouse in Hong Kong:
Delivery by SF Express covers the whole of Hong Kong and Macau
All customers will receive an email notification from our delivery details, and the carrier will contact the customer to confirm the delivery time before delivery. If you need to specify a delivery date, please you can indicate it in the [Order Remarks] column when placing an order.
*Delivery working hours are Monday to Saturday, after 5pm (except Sunday and public holidays)
Shipping from Japan:
It is marked with [Japan Direct Mail], and the delivery by EMS or FEDEX:
• For delivery from Japan, the receiving address must be the residential address or office address. SF smart lockers are not supported.
* All overseas areas by Fedex or other carrier, alos need to provide a complete address and postal code. The shipping fee is subject to the billing and settlement shipping fee. For details, please contact customer service.
Hong Kong & Macau Region
all over Free shipping on orders over HKD $1000 , Free shipping on orders over HKD $1200 from Macau . Shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1000 is HKD $30. The shipping fee for orders less than HKD $1200 in Macau will be HKD $48
Japan Post (International Mail, free shipping on orders over HKD $1500
Once your product delivery time usually takes 3-4 business days. Rest of the world takes 5 to 20 business days. You can estimate shipping costs in your cart and at checkout 。
According to the announcement of the Customs Department of of Taiwan. Real-name authentication will be implemented for all personal shipments imported into Taiwan. Authentication APP ( Android download / iOS download ), and complete the real-name authentication registration of binding the personal real identity information with the mobile phone number. The recipient's full name and bound mobile phone number must be filled in correctly in Chinese. More details
Return arrangement
You can have any questions within 15 days after receiving the items. Make sure to check the product or contact us.
For more information, please see our FQAs answer page.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
We offer 1-year limited warranty on all products (skin care products & parallel imports don't apply) from the date of received.
If you think there is some problem with the product you received, or if you experience any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty does not cover damage caused by negligence, misuse, wear and tear or failure to follow product instructions (dropped product, defects, etc.).
During the transportation, there may be friction between the commodity instrument and the packaging. During the international logistics transportation, there may be some wear and tear, which is a normal phenomenon. Returns and exchanges due to the appearance of the product are not accepted.
Secure Payment
Your transaction data will be handled securely.We do not record and cannot obtain your credit card information.
We accept the following payment methods:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, etc.
Secure Payment
Your transaction data will be handled securely.We do not record and cannot obtain your credit card information.
We accept the following payment methods:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, etc.